الجمعة، 22 مايو 2009

Medical Terminology Demystified : e book

Medical Terminology Demystified

Dale Layman "Medical Terminology Demystified"
McGraw-Hill Professional | English | ISBN: 0071461043 | 400 pages | PDF | 8 MB

no easier, faster, or more practical way to learn the really tough subjects

Medical Terminology Demystified covers all the basic terms of disease and injury, abnormal anatomy and physiology, surgical techniques, drugs, and other therapies--in the context of real, practical health issues. This self-teaching guide comes complete with key points, background information, quizzes at the end of each chapter, and even a final exam.

Dale Layman, Ph.D., Grand Ph.D. in Medicine, is Professor of Biology and Human Anatomy and Physiology at Joliet Junior College. He is the author of McGraw-Hill's Biology Demystified, Anatomy Demystified, and Physiology Demystified. He is the first Grand Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine in the United States and has received numerous other international honors and awards for his writing and creative thinking.

This book is for people who want to get acquainted with the basic concepts of
medical terminology without having to take a formal course. It can also serve as
a supplemental text in a classroom, tutored, or home-schooling environment. It
should also be useful for career changers who need to refresh their knowledge
of the subject. I recommend that you start at the beginning of this book and go
straight through.
There are 5 icons (cartoon pictures) that repeatedly appear in the page margins
of every chapter. Each icon takes the form of a “Memory Pill”—a key fact for
you to write down and remember in a “Memory Pillbox” (handy numbered
grid) at chapter end. An Anatomy icon indicates a key fact about normal body
structure. Conversely, a Physiology icon labels an important fact about normal
body function. Knowing some of these key structure-function facts in the normal
body helps you to understand their associated disease and disorders within the
abnormal body.
The medical terminology of the book provides key facts tagged as Disease
icons and other facts as Treatment/Therapy icons. Finally, there are numerous
Background and History icons that identify critical people and historical
events behind the development of medical terminology. A special icon is that of
Hippocrates (pronounced as hih-PAHK-rah-tees). Hippocrates was an ancient
Greek physician who is considered the Father of Modern Medicine. For this reason,
Hippocrates.” The Ghost of Hippocrates is our narrator, who guides us along
throughout the book. He is occasionally assisted by both Professor Joe, the Talking
and by Baby Heinie (his mischievous little sidekick). The goal is to provide
some meaningful “edu-tainment”—“education” plus “entertainment”—for
the reader.



الخميس، 21 مايو 2009

internal medecine : e book

internal medicine first exposure
ambulatory medicine

size : 7 mb

Andrew Hoellein, Charles Griffith - First Exposure to Internal Medicine: Ambulatory Medicine
McGraw-Hill Professional | ISBN: 0071459006 | Pages: 384 | PDF

Written by clerkship directors, residency directors, and master educators from around the country, First Exposure to Internal Medicine: Ambulatory Medicine specifically focuses on material required to achieve the core competencies of the curriculum. First Exposure to Internal Medicine: Ambulatory Medicine enhances your rotation with: A compelling profile of the practice of ambulatory medicine, Just right amount of material for your clerkship, Detailed descriptions of procedures you will see and perform, A focus on important concepts you should learn, not memorization of facts, How-to's for evaluating the ambulatory patient, An emphasis on clinically relevant pathophysiology, Key Points at the beginning of each chapter. Adding value to the clerkship experience-that's what First Exposure is all about.

download link


الجمعة، 15 مايو 2009

ebook : avian flu

help with understanding avian influanza

كل ما يتعلق بانفلوانزا الطيور فى هذا الكتيب الصغير . فقط قم بفتح البرنامج الصغير المرفق لتستطيع قراءة الكتاب .

6.5 mb

download link


كتاب cardiovascular emergency


6 ميجا

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محاذاة إلى الوسط

DKA simulation

برنامج DKA simulation

البرنامج يقدم محاكاه تفصيليه لحالات ال DKA يمكنك من خلالها التحكم فى فحص الحاله وكذلك طلب التحاليل التى تريدها وكذلك العلاج
مع مراعاة التوقيت اللازم لعمل كل منها . ويقوم البرنامج فى النهاية بتقييم التعامل مع الحاله وهل قمت بانقاذ حياته ام لا .
البرنامج مفيد جدا واكثر من رائع .

مرفق ايضا مع البرنامج برنامجين اخرين

1- BMI : لقياس ال body mass index


الذى يقوم بتقييم حالة عظام الجسم لشخص معين على اساس النظام الغذائى والرياضى ومعطيات اخرى لهذا الشخص
كما يقوم بتوضيح مدى قابلية الشخص للتعرض لازمات العظام

الحجم : 5 MB

download link


الخميس، 14 مايو 2009

ECG notes

ونبدأ مع اول موضوعاتنا الطبيه
كتاب ECG notes
يمكنك من خلاله تعلم ECG بمنتهى السهوله كاملا
عن تجربه
فعلا كتاب مفيد جدا وهو افضل من ECG made easy
يمكنكم التجربه

الحجم : 5.5 ميجا

الصيغه : pdf

التحميل من هنا

باذن الله سوف نضيف شئ جديد جدا للمدونه

البرامج والكتب الطبيه

لانى دكتور

وبعدين دى المدونه بتاعتى واعمل فيها اللى انا عاوزه